Kamis, Agustus 25, 2005

Pelajaran Yang Paling Susah!!!

Kasih sekarang udah sekolah di SDN 50 Banda Aceh. Kelas dua, euy!!!

So, goodbye Jambi (for a while, because I am still dreaming someday I have a nice house in Jambi).

Saya khawatir juga, karena ia ketinggalan pelajaran dua minggu. Jadi setiap pulang sekolah selalu saya tanyain, gimana pelajarannya. Jawaban selalu: "Keciiil!"

Pas giliran pelajaran Agama Islam tentang Al-Qur'an dan Hadist (Ingak, ingak! Aceh berlaku syariat Islam!), jawabannya menjadi: "Ini pelajaran paling susah!"

Setelah saya periksa bukunya, ternyata tentang Surah Al-Qari'aah. Lengkap tulisan Arab toktil. Padahal Kasih udah Iqra' dua.

Akhirnya Kasih saya suruh privat belajar Agama. Sama gurunya saya bilang Kasih harus hapal Al-Qari'aah.

Jawab gurunya: "Saya aja ndak apal!!!"

Jumat, Juli 01, 2005

Kasih Naik Kelas

Hi! Long time no see! That because I've moved back to Banda Aceh now. But Kasih and her Bunda will joint me next month. This time, my lovely family in Malang, East Java Indonesia, because my brother-in-law will marry in two weeks later.

Have you noticed that Kasih should be in second grade next month? Yeah..... My Girl is a big girl now!

She got 8 for all her lessons, except Sport (8.5) and Art (7). You wanna know how come she got 7 for Art?
Her teacher told as that she always draw pictures of her teachers (like: Ms. Mey's sitting, or Ms. Jasmini' walking, etc) event she told to make pictures of flowers, animals or anything else!
O.K! Now you know I still on the web!